Lake Atitlan
Originally uploaded by Lake Atitlan.
painting from a travel agency sign
We finally got a link in DMOZ!
Lake Atitlan Guatemala is most beautiful place in the world.
painting from a travel agency sign
We finally got a link in DMOZ!
Spikes on the top of a gate, near Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. I'm not sure who put these figures here. I take it as a statement about civilians, largely ethnic Maya, being caught in the middle of opposing forces during the long Guatemalan civil war.
Actually these are worry dolls. You tell them your troubles, and then you don't have to worry.
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. The lake was so clear you could see the waterplants at the bottom.Taken with a Rolleiflex 2.8D Planar TLR at f22.
That's lake Atitlan in the background. Next year there may be a hotel on this spot.
The traditional pants tells their origin. I saw them in Panajachel, beside Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala.
This is a costume for the Dance of the Conquistadors, which is celebrated all over Mayan Guatemala.
Flowers on the steps of the Santo Tomas church in Chichicastenango, Guatemala