Casa Palopó
Originally uploaded by Zé Eduardo.
Casa Palopó Hotel in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Technorati Tags: Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Lake Atitlan Guatemala is most beautiful place in the world.
Casa Palopó Hotel in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Technorati Tags: Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
This is a walkway thru a neighborhood in San Lucas Toliman, on Lake Atitlan.
Another Lake Atitlan blog. Technorati Tags: Lake Atitlan, GuatemalaThis Mayan grandmother is a street vendor in Panajachel. You can see the same woman on the Mayan calendar.
Technorati Tags: Mayan, Guatemala
lake atitlan in guatemala
Technorati Tags: Lake, Atitlan, Guatemala
This photo of a Santiago Atitlan girl was originally scanned from a 35mm negative, hence the artsy dust and scratches.
In the rainy season, which has begun, lightning in the evening can go on for hours. 200 lightning stikes per minute can be seen behind the volcanoes.