mural in san juan la laguna
Originally uploaded by thatswhatyourmomsaid.
21st century Mayan art. I have no idea what's going on in that picture.
Technorati Tags: San Juan, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Lake Atitlan Guatemala is most beautiful place in the world.
21st century Mayan art. I have no idea what's going on in that picture.
Technorati Tags: San Juan, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Notice the beautiful painting on the wall.
Another Lake Atitlan site.
Technorati Tags: Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
This Mayan woman exhibits amazing balance as she walks past a coffee field in San Lucas Toliman, near Lake Atitlan, Guatemala.
Another good Lake Atitlan blog.
Technorati Tags: San Lucas Toliman, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Mayan woman weaving on a backstrap loom in San Lucas Toliman, on Lake Atitlan Guatemala.
Technorati Tags: San Lucas Toliman, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala