Friday, August 31, 2007

Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Lago de Atitlan
Originally uploaded by kwhitaker14.

The mouth of Santiago bay is seen between the volcanoes. About a dozen Maya villages surround Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, in Central America.

More Lake Atitlan photographs.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

The Resplendent Quetzal

Originally uploaded by dragonslayer1990.

The Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) is remarkably a green and scarlet colored bird. With the two subspecies strongly extended upper tail covers during the reproduction time, which cover the tail, form and which fail after the breeding time again. The feathers/springs can become long up to 80 cm. Particularly during the breeding time the Quetzalmännchen spectacular implements, few seconds continuing Balzflüge. From the trees within the comb range of the mountains they rise upward with their quackernden flight call in the wavy flight, in order to then disappear in the dive from the sky like greener lightning again in the crowns. With the brood and supply that the sexes alternate mostly two boys. After the breeding time the Quetzale emigrates into ranges of the mountains lain more deeply. The stachelbeergrossen fruits of wildly growing Avocadobäume (Lauraceae) take a high portion in its food spectrum. The Quetzal occupies a key function in the spreading of these tree species.


The Quetzal exclusively lives in the wet forests of Central America. The perpetually damp Ambiente transfers stumps of broken off, dead trees into a soft condition, which makes it for the Quetzal possible to dig its Bruthöhle into the rotten wood. Still expanded wet forest areas exist as habitat of the Quetzals in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama.


In close proximity to Coban (Alta Verapaz) in the Biotopo del Quetzal (Mario Dary Biotopo) into the Sierra de read Minas on a height of 1.500 to 2,300 m ü. NN are 1550 hectars of this wet forest as national park since 1977 protected. Since 1997 there is also a private protected area, the Reserva Privada Chelemhá with a size of 500 hectars. These areas are the last secured retreat areas of the Quetzal in Guatemala. North and south the Lago Atítlan is reported by some few other populations.

The quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala, and the unit of currency.

More Lake Atitlan photos.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Backstrap weaver Santiago Atitlan

Backstrap weaver
Originally uploaded by majunznk.

This Mayan woman is weaving on a traditional backstrap loom. One end is tied to anything convienient and the other end passes across her back. She can adjust the tension on the weaving by leaning back. It is an ancient technique still practiced in Santiago Atitlan, and elsewhere around Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, Central America.

More Lake Atitlan photos.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pier at Lake Atitlan

Pier at the Lake
Originally uploaded by ritchiewong.

This dock is on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, in Central America, with volcanoes Atitlan and Toliman on the left and part of Colcan San Pedro on the right. The colors are spectacular.

More Lake Atitlan photos.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlan
Originally uploaded by peacecorpsolivia.

Waiting to take a boat across Lake Atitlan from Panajachel, Guatemala. There are 3 volcanoes on the other side. this photo shows Volcan San Pedro.

More Lake Atitlan photos.

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